About Us

Welcome To Perfexn Chem Science

Perfexn Chem Science Mfd Pvt Ltd is one of the fastest-growing company in the Indian diagnostic market which is based in Nashik, Western State of India. Perfexn’s deals with Quality products unless & until it is faultless, that's why we work with our slogan “makes perfect” always. Our products are manufactured with International Standards. Also, we have CE ISO: 9001-2015, 13485-2016 GMP certifications. We provide the best and high-end quality diagnostic products which are used in hospitals, pathological labs, nursing homes and other institutions for different tests, research & development purposes.

We are dedicated and committed to continuously improve product quality and services. We aim to contribute to better healthcare in India and emerging markets by developing, manufacturing and marketing high-quality diagnostics products at affordable prices.

Perfexn has pan India operation with best, dedicated & hardworking faculty i.e. field staff, Application specialists, in-house Engineers, dedicated sales and marketing team makes Perfexn Chem Science in providing technical and after-sales services support to our customers. A Perfect Management with Dedicated Staff and our Superior Products which helps to satisfy the needs of Distributors & Customers always help us to achieve business heights.


We Perfexn Chem Science Mfd Pvt Ltd, trust is our first duty to meet up the laboratories desires and propose trustworthy, reasonable and modern Medical Diagnostic systems.


To be the most appreciated company by always setting high standard in all aspects of manufacture and marketing.

Meet Our Management


January 1, 2016


January 1, 2016